I have a bone to pick with you. I'll forgive you for not bringing me additional pieces to my nativity set ( I went searching myself and they were all sold out). But seriously how did you forget to deliver me a mastiff?? Did you talk to my husband????
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Matt!!! Today Matt turns 27!!! Practically 30 :)
Tomorrow you'll be home! I'm sure thats the best birthday present ever, even though you're pulling into a blizzard.
I love you and can't wait to spend many many more birthdays with you.
Tomorrow you'll be home! I'm sure thats the best birthday present ever, even though you're pulling into a blizzard.
I love you and can't wait to spend many many more birthdays with you.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Dear Matt
Today I did something I swore to you I would never do. Ever........ I bought a pair of UGG boots! And they are adoarable. I figure since we don't have a fireplace anymore, you can't throw them in there like you said you would! As ugly as they are, they might be the most comfortable shoes I have. I might have to get a second color! These are chocolate, I might need tan.
I love you! And can't wait for you to yell at me in person! muah :x
I love you! And can't wait for you to yell at me in person! muah :x

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Hawaii Pics
Well I can't figure out how to put text close to the pictures... Here is Matt making me a gourmet lunch on an ironing board, me at Senor Frogs, Dayna and I after the luau got cancelled- drowning our sorrows in Pina Coladas and Sake, and Matt and I waiting to get on the bus for the luau, and me touring the island on the worst rainy day.

Rest of Trip
Where did I leave off??
Saturday: This is the day we've rescheduled our kayak adventure. I have Matt look outside to see what the weather is like. It's cloudy, windy, but not rainy. We're hopeful... The place calls and lets us know we won't be able to go snorkling and there probably on't be any sun, but they are going to let us go if we want to. So we go. We get to the office and fill out paper work and get briefed on where we'll be going. There is a nice close little island called Flatt's Island, and then there is another one sometimes referred to as Shark's Cove. Further away and surrounded by reef except for a few parts. It is Shark's Cove of course that Matt wants to paddle to. We drive around to the "launching" part of the beach and begin our paddling lesson. I asked one of the workers if I would get wet. He seemed dumbfounded by my question and responded with "Well you're getting in the boat aren't you". I also ask him how deep the water is because Matt has assured me that it's only about 4 feet out the whole way. His reply was 15 feet. I look at Matt and the only words that come to mind were "Idiot." I'm not sure if y'all are aware or not, but me and adventerous don't really go hand in hand. Bravely I trudge on. I had to wade out into the water past my knees and sit in the kayak butt first. As soon as i sit down, I can only see the brown water and Island half a mile away. I have a panic attack, stop breathing, and decide I can not do this. While I'm screaming "I've changed my mind I've changed my mind" Matt has climbed into the boat and the people have pushed us off into the water. (Also Matt and I have decided to go on a self-guided tour) So we are now paddling back towards shore when the tour guide from the group in front of us tells us to just follow him. Somehow I calm down and off we go. We make it to the island and eat lunch. A few hours later, it starts to get windy. The group we are with consists of Matt and I, two other married couples, and our guide. The weather is quickly deterioating and the guide has instructed us to paddle out about 200 feet and then face the wind and paddle in place. Because if the wind catches us from the side, it will be almost impossible to not be blown out to sea. The guides plan is the launch the other two couples ahead of Matt and I. (A blessing in disguise) He launches the first couple and then the next. The second couple to launch tip out of the kayak as soon as they get in the water. About 50 feet out the other couple has fallen out. Matt and I are luckily still on land. the guide goes to help the first couple and the second ones come back on shore. The guide makes it to them and helps them climb back in. They fall out. Again and again and again. I guess they just get exhausted because all I see them doing is just sitting in the boat- and getting further and further away. Luckily Matt has a cell phone so we call the company that we went with. 25 mintues later, they're further away and no one has come. We call again.. They say they're sending people. About half an hour later our rescuers come. 2 people in kayaks. when they realize that the people really are half way out to sea, one goes after them and the other comes onto the island. The weather is getting worse. Windier, rainier, colder. They call for back up. Here come 2 more people in Kayaks. Seriously. doesn't anyone own a motor boat? In the meantime I've told Matt he is NEVER planning activities for us again and that he owes me big. He owes me a Mastiff and he definitely didn't say no. So now the owner is here and his big plan is to have us paddle back, tied to another kayak. Are you serious. This old man wants to McGuiver a rescue with my life at stake?? His plan A didn't work and so now we're to plan B. Each one of us in a kayak with an experienced paddler. the oldies go first. They make it. They come back for matt and I. At this point I'm really scared, it's getting dark, and it was so foggy I couldn't see the land where we were headed. I crouch under a rock and cry. The owner comes and asks me whats wrong. Actually he said "Whats your name". I said Sidney. He says "Sissy?" Me in an angry tone reply "NO. SIDNEY like Australia." After he realizes i'm scared, he tells me i have nothing to worry about. We do this kind of stuff for fun all the time. Really what else could I do??? I climbed in and paddled for dear life. My arms were burning. All I kept doing was asking God to give me strength and keep my arms going. I couldn't even think about what was lurking under neath. I turn to see where Matt is, and hes no where to be seen. The guide paddling behind me lets me know they're ok- they're on the other side. Whew... Long story short, we make it to shore and Matt somehow doesn't remeber promising me a dog..... I talked to him yesterday and he said our rescue made the newspaper. hahah Sunday: Not too interesting. Matt is late getting back to the base because the Honolulu marathon has closed down practically every major road in the town. I fly home in flip flops and land with snow on the ground!

Saturday: This is the day we've rescheduled our kayak adventure. I have Matt look outside to see what the weather is like. It's cloudy, windy, but not rainy. We're hopeful... The place calls and lets us know we won't be able to go snorkling and there probably on't be any sun, but they are going to let us go if we want to. So we go. We get to the office and fill out paper work and get briefed on where we'll be going. There is a nice close little island called Flatt's Island, and then there is another one sometimes referred to as Shark's Cove. Further away and surrounded by reef except for a few parts. It is Shark's Cove of course that Matt wants to paddle to. We drive around to the "launching" part of the beach and begin our paddling lesson. I asked one of the workers if I would get wet. He seemed dumbfounded by my question and responded with "Well you're getting in the boat aren't you". I also ask him how deep the water is because Matt has assured me that it's only about 4 feet out the whole way. His reply was 15 feet. I look at Matt and the only words that come to mind were "Idiot." I'm not sure if y'all are aware or not, but me and adventerous don't really go hand in hand. Bravely I trudge on. I had to wade out into the water past my knees and sit in the kayak butt first. As soon as i sit down, I can only see the brown water and Island half a mile away. I have a panic attack, stop breathing, and decide I can not do this. While I'm screaming "I've changed my mind I've changed my mind" Matt has climbed into the boat and the people have pushed us off into the water. (Also Matt and I have decided to go on a self-guided tour) So we are now paddling back towards shore when the tour guide from the group in front of us tells us to just follow him. Somehow I calm down and off we go. We make it to the island and eat lunch. A few hours later, it starts to get windy. The group we are with consists of Matt and I, two other married couples, and our guide. The weather is quickly deterioating and the guide has instructed us to paddle out about 200 feet and then face the wind and paddle in place. Because if the wind catches us from the side, it will be almost impossible to not be blown out to sea. The guides plan is the launch the other two couples ahead of Matt and I. (A blessing in disguise) He launches the first couple and then the next. The second couple to launch tip out of the kayak as soon as they get in the water. About 50 feet out the other couple has fallen out. Matt and I are luckily still on land. the guide goes to help the first couple and the second ones come back on shore. The guide makes it to them and helps them climb back in. They fall out. Again and again and again. I guess they just get exhausted because all I see them doing is just sitting in the boat- and getting further and further away. Luckily Matt has a cell phone so we call the company that we went with. 25 mintues later, they're further away and no one has come. We call again.. They say they're sending people. About half an hour later our rescuers come. 2 people in kayaks. when they realize that the people really are half way out to sea, one goes after them and the other comes onto the island. The weather is getting worse. Windier, rainier, colder. They call for back up. Here come 2 more people in Kayaks. Seriously. doesn't anyone own a motor boat? In the meantime I've told Matt he is NEVER planning activities for us again and that he owes me big. He owes me a Mastiff and he definitely didn't say no. So now the owner is here and his big plan is to have us paddle back, tied to another kayak. Are you serious. This old man wants to McGuiver a rescue with my life at stake?? His plan A didn't work and so now we're to plan B. Each one of us in a kayak with an experienced paddler. the oldies go first. They make it. They come back for matt and I. At this point I'm really scared, it's getting dark, and it was so foggy I couldn't see the land where we were headed. I crouch under a rock and cry. The owner comes and asks me whats wrong. Actually he said "Whats your name". I said Sidney. He says "Sissy?" Me in an angry tone reply "NO. SIDNEY like Australia." After he realizes i'm scared, he tells me i have nothing to worry about. We do this kind of stuff for fun all the time. Really what else could I do??? I climbed in and paddled for dear life. My arms were burning. All I kept doing was asking God to give me strength and keep my arms going. I couldn't even think about what was lurking under neath. I turn to see where Matt is, and hes no where to be seen. The guide paddling behind me lets me know they're ok- they're on the other side. Whew... Long story short, we make it to shore and Matt somehow doesn't remeber promising me a dog..... I talked to him yesterday and he said our rescue made the newspaper. hahah Sunday: Not too interesting. Matt is late getting back to the base because the Honolulu marathon has closed down practically every major road in the town. I fly home in flip flops and land with snow on the ground!

Monday, December 15, 2008
Aloha Hawaii
So where do I start? I guess just going day by day will be the easiest. I do need to preface this post by saying that spending all of those uninterrupted days with my best friend was undescribable. I guess I would risk my life again to do that.
Wake up at 3:30 so I can put my face on and finish packing the things I was too tired to do the night/days beforehand. Dayna and I head out for the airport so excited. Our flight was good. It was only half full so we had a lot of room, which was great because the flight was almost 6 hours long. This was the first day I saw Matt, it had been exactly 4 months to the day that I saw him last. It was wonderful.
We had nothing planned today. Matt realized he left his swimsuit on the sub so we had to go back to base and get it. Which entails me in a strapless dress walking down to the shipyard. I was told that women did go down there. Well little did I know, the only women down there were ones owned by the military. After we got Matt's suit we went to the NEX and bought some sandwich meat so we could have a cheap lunch. We get back to the hotel (which is essentially retirement central- the pool closed at 8) eat our sandwiches and go lay out on the beach. Approximately 4 1/2 minutes later it starts raining. We run back to the hotel and take a nap. We decide to go walking around that night and look for a place to eat. We settle on Senor Frogs. We walk back to the hotel, in the rain. I wake up at 1am in the morning because some idiots are being so loud in the hall. Matt sleeps the whole night through.
Today we have a self-guided kayak tour scheduled. I was excited about this because I was going to get to see sea turtles. Excited that is until I saw the day before what a kayak really is and how low in the water I'd be sitting. So it's a rainstorm out there. We get called by the owner of the kayak place and the trip is off. We reschedule for Saturday. Matt and I decide to drive around the island. 45 minutes later, and me begging Matt to stop driving like Jeff Gordon-we find the one entrance onto H1 east. We drive around and look at the scenery. The land is beautiful. The locals and their homes not so much. We could have been in Mexico for all I knew. At one point on our drive we pull over to the ocean and get out and walk around. It isn't raining anymore and it's kind of warm. So we walk along the beach, through some run off and start to make our way back to the car. (A few days earlier I got blisters on my feet from a pair of flip flops I never wear) A group of people ask us if we waded through the run off and I said yes. The man nodded and said we should take the bridge (which I didn't see) on the way back because that was nothing but raw sewage running through the run off. Great, now I've probably contracted God knows what through my blisters. Thursday ended with dinner and me waking up at 3 am because the idiots are being loud in the hall again.
A little cloudy but not too bad. Today we have scheduled to attend a luau. We're going with the couple that I flew out there with. Matt and i lounge by the beach (which was not warm) and then get ready for the luau. We get on the bus at 4:00. At about 5:30 the tour guide comes on the loud speaker and informs us that the luau has been cancelled because of the rain and lightening. (the news has reported that it hasn't stormed like this in Hawaii since 1970) We're all sad but decide to go eat at Beni Hanas. I knew I had seen it somewhere, so about 30 minutes later we walk back to where we started and find the place only half a block away. Plus it had been raining.
We tell each other good night and head off for our rooms. At about 12:20 I hear the fire alarm make a weird low noise. I think those idiots out in the hall have pulled the fire alarm this time. Oh also I woke up on Friday with a cold. I am tired and blowing my nose every minute, I'm not getting out of my room. The alarm gets louder, Matt opens our door to see if anyone else is moving. Our hall is filled with smoke. Crap. It's real. What do we do. "Grab all the valuables" Matt says. Well I have my husband and my ring, thats all I can think of. I grab my purse and cell phone too. Matt grabs his lap top. We make it outside and I realize I've forgotten kleenexes- probably the most valuable thing at the moment. I walk around to an outside bathroom to get toilet paper, and it's locked. We still don't see any flames shooting from our hotel, but no one is telling us anything. About an hour later, we're able to go back in. Some idiot (on our floor) decided it would be funny to get the fire extinguisher and spray it all the way down the hall. That was the smoke I saw and that is what set the alarms off.
This trip only gets better, but i'm tired of typing. I'll post pictures and the rest of the story after i start a load of laundry.
Love you all!
Wake up at 3:30 so I can put my face on and finish packing the things I was too tired to do the night/days beforehand. Dayna and I head out for the airport so excited. Our flight was good. It was only half full so we had a lot of room, which was great because the flight was almost 6 hours long. This was the first day I saw Matt, it had been exactly 4 months to the day that I saw him last. It was wonderful.
We had nothing planned today. Matt realized he left his swimsuit on the sub so we had to go back to base and get it. Which entails me in a strapless dress walking down to the shipyard. I was told that women did go down there. Well little did I know, the only women down there were ones owned by the military. After we got Matt's suit we went to the NEX and bought some sandwich meat so we could have a cheap lunch. We get back to the hotel (which is essentially retirement central- the pool closed at 8) eat our sandwiches and go lay out on the beach. Approximately 4 1/2 minutes later it starts raining. We run back to the hotel and take a nap. We decide to go walking around that night and look for a place to eat. We settle on Senor Frogs. We walk back to the hotel, in the rain. I wake up at 1am in the morning because some idiots are being so loud in the hall. Matt sleeps the whole night through.
Today we have a self-guided kayak tour scheduled. I was excited about this because I was going to get to see sea turtles. Excited that is until I saw the day before what a kayak really is and how low in the water I'd be sitting. So it's a rainstorm out there. We get called by the owner of the kayak place and the trip is off. We reschedule for Saturday. Matt and I decide to drive around the island. 45 minutes later, and me begging Matt to stop driving like Jeff Gordon-we find the one entrance onto H1 east. We drive around and look at the scenery. The land is beautiful. The locals and their homes not so much. We could have been in Mexico for all I knew. At one point on our drive we pull over to the ocean and get out and walk around. It isn't raining anymore and it's kind of warm. So we walk along the beach, through some run off and start to make our way back to the car. (A few days earlier I got blisters on my feet from a pair of flip flops I never wear) A group of people ask us if we waded through the run off and I said yes. The man nodded and said we should take the bridge (which I didn't see) on the way back because that was nothing but raw sewage running through the run off. Great, now I've probably contracted God knows what through my blisters. Thursday ended with dinner and me waking up at 3 am because the idiots are being loud in the hall again.
A little cloudy but not too bad. Today we have scheduled to attend a luau. We're going with the couple that I flew out there with. Matt and i lounge by the beach (which was not warm) and then get ready for the luau. We get on the bus at 4:00. At about 5:30 the tour guide comes on the loud speaker and informs us that the luau has been cancelled because of the rain and lightening. (the news has reported that it hasn't stormed like this in Hawaii since 1970) We're all sad but decide to go eat at Beni Hanas. I knew I had seen it somewhere, so about 30 minutes later we walk back to where we started and find the place only half a block away. Plus it had been raining.
We tell each other good night and head off for our rooms. At about 12:20 I hear the fire alarm make a weird low noise. I think those idiots out in the hall have pulled the fire alarm this time. Oh also I woke up on Friday with a cold. I am tired and blowing my nose every minute, I'm not getting out of my room. The alarm gets louder, Matt opens our door to see if anyone else is moving. Our hall is filled with smoke. Crap. It's real. What do we do. "Grab all the valuables" Matt says. Well I have my husband and my ring, thats all I can think of. I grab my purse and cell phone too. Matt grabs his lap top. We make it outside and I realize I've forgotten kleenexes- probably the most valuable thing at the moment. I walk around to an outside bathroom to get toilet paper, and it's locked. We still don't see any flames shooting from our hotel, but no one is telling us anything. About an hour later, we're able to go back in. Some idiot (on our floor) decided it would be funny to get the fire extinguisher and spray it all the way down the hall. That was the smoke I saw and that is what set the alarms off.
This trip only gets better, but i'm tired of typing. I'll post pictures and the rest of the story after i start a load of laundry.
Love you all!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Stepping out of the Twilight Zone
Wow- It's been a while since I've posted anything. Actually it's been a while since i've done anything... clean my house, eat dinner, acknowledge Mona.. I've been stuck in the Twilight zone. Who would have guessed that a love story about a teenager and a teenage vampire would capture my heart! I finished book 4 yesterday. It was a bittersweet ending. I finally have time to get back to my regular, boring life, but now I have nothing else to read on the other love of my life- Edward Cullen. I asked Matt if he wouldn't mind wearing vampire teeth for a while. Of course he said no :( So if you have about a week that you need to kill, I definitely recommend reading the whole series! If during that week you have other responsibilities you might want to reconsider.
Last night was the Operating Room's Christmas party. I decided to make an appearance.. Mostly to see what everyone looked like with hair and real clothes. When I pulled up to what looked like a cousin to The Falcon in Stinnett, I should have kept on driving. It was nice to see everyone, but was definitely not what I had imagined it would be like.
So now I'm packing!!! For my Hawaii trip!!!! Two more days and I get a real hug from my husband!!! I'll post pictures when I return!
Love you all!
Last night was the Operating Room's Christmas party. I decided to make an appearance.. Mostly to see what everyone looked like with hair and real clothes. When I pulled up to what looked like a cousin to The Falcon in Stinnett, I should have kept on driving. It was nice to see everyone, but was definitely not what I had imagined it would be like.
So now I'm packing!!! For my Hawaii trip!!!! Two more days and I get a real hug from my husband!!! I'll post pictures when I return!
Love you all!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Super Mama
You know the saying you can't pick your family but you can pick your friends?? Well I was lucky enough to get both when God gave me my mom! She came to visit me last week and we had the best time ever. Everything went perfectly. I was really sad because I wasn't going to be able to pick her up from the airport, she was going to have to take the shuttle all the way to my house and then have a friend pick her up and get her on base because I had to work. Turns out I was able to get off work with just enough time to get to the airport and get her!
When we got home, Mona was so excited to see her! I'm not sure if she was more excited for the extra petting, or the new smells! I swear my mom was only here for an hour and my house was spotless.. SPOTLESS!!!! I've lived here since August and have yet to really clean this place! She is amazing! I had the best food ever too! Whole wheat rolls, cheese logs, banana bread, enchiladas. I cant even remember what else. When I got back to work after she had already gone home, I told everyone how much she cooked and cleaned for me. They were shocked. I guess I've really taken for granted having a super mom all these years!
It was one of the best weekends ever!!
I love you Mama and I miss you!
When we got home, Mona was so excited to see her! I'm not sure if she was more excited for the extra petting, or the new smells! I swear my mom was only here for an hour and my house was spotless.. SPOTLESS!!!! I've lived here since August and have yet to really clean this place! She is amazing! I had the best food ever too! Whole wheat rolls, cheese logs, banana bread, enchiladas. I cant even remember what else. When I got back to work after she had already gone home, I told everyone how much she cooked and cleaned for me. They were shocked. I guess I've really taken for granted having a super mom all these years!
It was one of the best weekends ever!!
I love you Mama and I miss you!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Who in their right mind would think a human could have a hairball??????????????? Gagamaggot!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Just when you think the times are a changing in America, something happens that makes you realize discrimination is real and it's happening all the large dogs!
Seriously, I am getting so fed up with people carrying around their purse size dogs. Just because your dog will fit in the small part of a shopping cart, doesn't mean I want to look at your ugly chihuahua while I'm at JoAnns buying fabric.
Tonight I was in the mall and there was a lady in Macy's with her dog on a leash.. Walking it. I think it was a cocker spaniel. I had Mona with me, but she was locked in my car. If I wouldn't have looked like I had been laying on the couch all day pineing away for my husband, I would have gone outside and brought her in. I'm thinking I wouldn't have been able to go very far before we would be escorted out.
Perhaps tomorrow I'll call Macy's and ask them what their dog in store policy is, Mona and I have been wanting a new pair of shoes!
I think this post officially declares me as dillusional!
Seriously, I am getting so fed up with people carrying around their purse size dogs. Just because your dog will fit in the small part of a shopping cart, doesn't mean I want to look at your ugly chihuahua while I'm at JoAnns buying fabric.
Tonight I was in the mall and there was a lady in Macy's with her dog on a leash.. Walking it. I think it was a cocker spaniel. I had Mona with me, but she was locked in my car. If I wouldn't have looked like I had been laying on the couch all day pineing away for my husband, I would have gone outside and brought her in. I'm thinking I wouldn't have been able to go very far before we would be escorted out.
Perhaps tomorrow I'll call Macy's and ask them what their dog in store policy is, Mona and I have been wanting a new pair of shoes!
I think this post officially declares me as dillusional!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween.....A day late!
Yesterday was Halloween... One of Matt's favorite holidays, and he spends it sleeping on a submarine. Mona and I however, went all out. Our day started like this.
Me waking up at 5 to drive an hour to work and work 10 furiously busy hours. Mona waking up at 5 to eat/pee/poop/spend 12 hours in a crate. Since I had to work on the day of Halloween you would think I would have bought candy a few days before. Well I didn't. I figured it would be no big deal, I'd stop at the comissary on base before I went home and buy some. I mean in Stinnett you might buy 10 bags of candy and have two trick or treaters. While speaking with an ex-military lady at work yesterday she kind of had me worried when she said "You have to have candy.. If your living on base you'll have lots of kids...People bring their kids in from outside of the base to get candy" Yeah sure like this lady knows anything. I finish working my day, buy Mona a costume and drive my hour home. Run into the comissary to discover that they have NO halloween candy left. None. I could have bought M&Ms that were not wrapped. Seriously they had nothing. I had to buy candy bars. I had a friend coming over later, so I knew I"d have more candy eventually. I start to drive down my road to my house and pass seriously no less than 5 swarms of people. I pull in, attempt to put Monas costume on her and open my candy. After two knocks on my door, I was out. Luckily Dayna came to save the day. We had enough candy for about 30 more minutes. I even passed out twinkies. haha! Mona only escaped once and some nice man caught her for us! So Mona was a pig, I guess my costume was a frazzled lady with not enough candy!
Hope everyone had fun! I am so sad I'm missing the Halloween bash in Granburry!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sean does Seattle Take 2
Sean came to visit me last week! I can't believe hes gone already. We had such a great time. I seriously can't believe that my little 10 year old monster brother has grown into one of my best friends. I miss you boy :)

We had amazing weather the whole time he was here. Amazing for Washington means low 50s! I'll try to post some pictures below, not sure if I can figure out how to!
P.S. if Sean can't find a job promoting health after college, I would definitely hire him as my personal margarita maker!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Generation Slow Typers
So yesterday was our first day of Epic go live... This is where we are moving all of our paper charting to computer charting. For me, not so bad. Pretty nice actually since I'm pretty sure I can type faster than I can write. But for some of my colleagues, this is a living nightmare. You have no idea how hard it was to stand by someone and watch them type 1 finger at a time without saying "here tell me what you want to say and I'll type it." Watching someone type so slowly with many typos to me is the equivalent of fingernails on a chalkboard! Actually watching them mouse over to enter instead of double might be just as bad.
On a happier note, Sean will be here exactly 1 week from today!!!! I can't wait to see him :)
On a happier note, Sean will be here exactly 1 week from today!!!! I can't wait to see him :)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Lets get ethical, ethical
Everyone knows that I work in the operating room. A place where I have just a few minutes to gain my patients trust and ease their nervousness before they are peacefully sleeping thanks to anesthesia. I have pretty much the same lines I use on everyone and deliver the same care to everyone (except those adorable babies which I carry back to the OR instead of pushing in a crib-why deprive myself) Yesterday one of my patients came accessorized with two guards and handcuffs on his feet. A little intimidating but on I go with the same care I'd give to anyone. After he was asleep we were discussing what he was in for. None of us knew and I told them I'd rather not know. The anesth brought up a good point. We have a right to know what they are in for and to know if we are dealing with a violent criminal. I slightly agree with that, but I also know that if this person had been in for something terrible like abusing children or women I just think it would be hard for me to deliver unbiased care. I definitely don't think I could give him a nice pat on the shoulder. I just don't think it would be my place to pass judgement and I really think it would change the care I gave even if I didn't want it to. Oh the world of Morals and Ethics. Speaking of did anyone catch The Office on thurs??
I did get a nice 17 day old patient later in the day and all the world was right. Except how sad it was that a 17 day old baby was in for surgery. I'll change that... I got home and let Mona out of her crate and she did the bucking bull for a good 45 seconds and all the world was right!
I did get a nice 17 day old patient later in the day and all the world was right. Except how sad it was that a 17 day old baby was in for surgery. I'll change that... I got home and let Mona out of her crate and she did the bucking bull for a good 45 seconds and all the world was right!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Are you serious????
Did I seriously book the wrong flight to Hawaii?? Answer- Yes. What an idiot. I went to change my seats so I could sit next to another navy wife thats going when I noticed that the landing time was wrong.. Like 9 hours wrong. Then I looked at my confirmation info and sure enough, I had booked the wrong flight. Who does that??? I wouldn't have changed it, but the one I had booked gets there 9 hours later. $150 later and I'm on the flight I've thought I was on all along. Can you imagine if I wouldn't have figured it out and found out at the airport.. That would have been one horrible blog :)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Foot In Mouth
Sometimes I forget that I don't live in conservative Texas anymore. With that being said, I need to learn to think before speaking. As with the Yorkie dog incident, as soon as I opened my mouth, I knew a different set of words would have been better. First let me give you some background information.
I work 10 hours a day, 1 hour away from where I live. Hence Mona stays in her crate 12 hours a day 4 days a week. Last Thursday a lady I work with took me to the Home Depot to buy a doggie door that fits in a sliding glass door. How nice for Mona I thought, the only problem is that when I've left Mona outside of her crate with me gone, something always seems to happen. So to make a long story short, I was able to talk to Matt this weekend and he told me to take it back. I'm not sure if it was because it cost a lot, or because he knew Mona would destroy the house! So today at work, the lady I bought it with asked me how it was working out. I told her I took it back because my husband told me to. She looked shocked, even more so when I said "Mary, hes my husband-I have to do what he says" ha ha Apparently that statement means Matt and I are Mr. and Mrs. from 1950. I didn't feel like telling her that Matt is the most fair, kind, caring person I know. And that our decisions are never "Because I told you to," but instead because it is what is best for the two of us. Oh well. It's pretty funny I think. Word has already spread through the OR, I'm sure I'll never hear the end of it!
If only they knew what a terrible housekeeper/cook I am!
I work 10 hours a day, 1 hour away from where I live. Hence Mona stays in her crate 12 hours a day 4 days a week. Last Thursday a lady I work with took me to the Home Depot to buy a doggie door that fits in a sliding glass door. How nice for Mona I thought, the only problem is that when I've left Mona outside of her crate with me gone, something always seems to happen. So to make a long story short, I was able to talk to Matt this weekend and he told me to take it back. I'm not sure if it was because it cost a lot, or because he knew Mona would destroy the house! So today at work, the lady I bought it with asked me how it was working out. I told her I took it back because my husband told me to. She looked shocked, even more so when I said "Mary, hes my husband-I have to do what he says" ha ha Apparently that statement means Matt and I are Mr. and Mrs. from 1950. I didn't feel like telling her that Matt is the most fair, kind, caring person I know. And that our decisions are never "Because I told you to," but instead because it is what is best for the two of us. Oh well. It's pretty funny I think. Word has already spread through the OR, I'm sure I'll never hear the end of it!
If only they knew what a terrible housekeeper/cook I am!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
As soon as the truth came out of my mouth, I knew I should have lied. I'm lying on the couch in a shirt and shorts with a towel on my head, and someone is knocking on my door. I open my door to 4 little kids and a yorkie puppy/dog. "Did you lose a dog?" "No" I said. As soon as I said it, I knew my answer should have been "Oh my dog you found him/her" I tried to make up for my response by assuring the kids I would LOVE to keep the dog until the owner could be found, or for forever if need be. They seemed fine with the answer, said they had a few more houses to visit and would be back if no one claimed him. 5 minutes later, they were back-no dog. Probably someone who was a little more on top of their game today than me.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Practically 30
Practically 30....Well thats what my cake says anyway! Touche Candace, touche! How in the world did I wake up one day at 25 years old?? It seems like only yesterday I was waiting to start high school. Now I'm 25 with a grown up job and a husband. I don't think I realized how fast time flies when you get old. And by old I mean old, I go to bed by 9:30 everynight. The other night I fell asleep at 7:30! In honor of my (gasp) 25 years on this earth, I'd like to post a list of some of the things I've done in 1/4 of a century.
1. Found my best friend from halfway across the country and married him!
2. Woke up one day and decided to scope out the thrifty nickle, hence the beginning of Mona and my relationship.
3. Graduated college in 6 years. hahaha who taks 6 years to get a bachelors?
4. Tried my hand at voice lessons, realized that part of voice lessons meant singing in front of people.
5. Tried my hand at gymnastics, realized tall people aren't cut out for it.
6. Mastered the recorder, or for the more aged population- the Tonette
7. Drove a car through a fence at 14 without my dad knowing-still doesn't know unless hes reading this
8. Worked at Sonic for a week.
I'm sure there is more. In fact I'm positive- I'm just also pretty sure at 25 my memory is on it's way out!
Thanks everyone for all the happy birthday wishes!
1. Found my best friend from halfway across the country and married him!
2. Woke up one day and decided to scope out the thrifty nickle, hence the beginning of Mona and my relationship.
3. Graduated college in 6 years. hahaha who taks 6 years to get a bachelors?
4. Tried my hand at voice lessons, realized that part of voice lessons meant singing in front of people.
5. Tried my hand at gymnastics, realized tall people aren't cut out for it.
6. Mastered the recorder, or for the more aged population- the Tonette
7. Drove a car through a fence at 14 without my dad knowing-still doesn't know unless hes reading this
8. Worked at Sonic for a week.
I'm sure there is more. In fact I'm positive- I'm just also pretty sure at 25 my memory is on it's way out!
Thanks everyone for all the happy birthday wishes!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Who knew that a spray tan would disqualify a person for laser hair removal... Darn mystic tan..
Anyways! So is it just a thing of nature that like a few days after a person gets married, cute babies and cute baby things just pop up all over the place?? I am so glad Candace is home with Jake. I love getting to hold him and make him laugh. And who knew that a baby was like your own personal heater?? (I mean the baby itself, not the extra lbs you pack on) Then they cry and it kind of changes my mind! haha Poor Matt.. I've already asked him a million times for one and hes had to tell me no a million times! I can't wait for Dale and Kasie's baby to get here! She'll be such a sweet age when we finally live closer!! It's so scary/exciting to think that in a few years we could have a home and a family! So if anyone was thinking of moving from a place lets say on the East Coast....Texas would have more than awesome Mexican food to offer :)
Hope everyone is enjoying the fall season. Apparently it takes one day to get here in Washington!
Anyways! So is it just a thing of nature that like a few days after a person gets married, cute babies and cute baby things just pop up all over the place?? I am so glad Candace is home with Jake. I love getting to hold him and make him laugh. And who knew that a baby was like your own personal heater?? (I mean the baby itself, not the extra lbs you pack on) Then they cry and it kind of changes my mind! haha Poor Matt.. I've already asked him a million times for one and hes had to tell me no a million times! I can't wait for Dale and Kasie's baby to get here! She'll be such a sweet age when we finally live closer!! It's so scary/exciting to think that in a few years we could have a home and a family! So if anyone was thinking of moving from a place lets say on the East Coast....Texas would have more than awesome Mexican food to offer :)
Hope everyone is enjoying the fall season. Apparently it takes one day to get here in Washington!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Honolulu Here I come!
Well hopefully! I bought my ticket today to meet Matt in Hawaii. His leave hasn't been approved yet of course but i'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will. I got to talk to him for a little while yesterday and he said to go ahead an buy the ticket. So HOPEFULLY I'll get to meet him there. I also hope the anesthiologist that said he'll write me a prescription for Ambien for my flight will :)
So yesterday I learned the hard way that I should have paid attention all of those times my Dad tried to teach me something. I left my house a little early because I knew I needed gas. I also had a tire that had looked low for a week or so. I like to clump all of my errands together so I was waiting to air it up for when I got gas. I get to the gas station on base, get gas, check the pressure in my tire which was 32 and decide to put a little bit of air in it. I air it up, only it doesn't look like it did anything. I check the pressure again, 15. I'm no brain surgeon but I think if you only had 32lbs of pressure in your tire before you put more air in it than afterwards you would have a higher number. I'm stressed out and decide to drive on. Instead of turning around and getting Matts car, I drive off base and call my mom to see if she thinks i can make it 40 miles to work. She of course says NO! So I exit my route and pull in to a gas station. After going in and getting change for a $20 so I'll have the 75 cents it takes for air, letting a man who is buying a 6 pack of beer at 6:20 in the morning, my tire is aired up and I'm on my way to work!
All in a days work. ha
So yesterday I learned the hard way that I should have paid attention all of those times my Dad tried to teach me something. I left my house a little early because I knew I needed gas. I also had a tire that had looked low for a week or so. I like to clump all of my errands together so I was waiting to air it up for when I got gas. I get to the gas station on base, get gas, check the pressure in my tire which was 32 and decide to put a little bit of air in it. I air it up, only it doesn't look like it did anything. I check the pressure again, 15. I'm no brain surgeon but I think if you only had 32lbs of pressure in your tire before you put more air in it than afterwards you would have a higher number. I'm stressed out and decide to drive on. Instead of turning around and getting Matts car, I drive off base and call my mom to see if she thinks i can make it 40 miles to work. She of course says NO! So I exit my route and pull in to a gas station. After going in and getting change for a $20 so I'll have the 75 cents it takes for air, letting a man who is buying a 6 pack of beer at 6:20 in the morning, my tire is aired up and I'm on my way to work!
All in a days work. ha
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Happy Endings
What a great way to end a slightly boring day! I had no surgeries of my own today, which made the day last FOREVER!! It seemed like 5:30 would never come. It finally came, and on my way out of the hospital, my husband called!!! It was soo soo soo soo good to hear his voice. I actually got to talk to him last night, but it was literally for like 4 minutes. This evening we got to talk for more like 15!! I am so glad he is doing ok. Not taking his vitamins or eating/sleeping well, but what do you expect when you are stuck like a sardine?? To top my night off, I decided to open my front door (which I have opened all of 4 times since I've lived here) and get the phone book that has been sitting there for a few days. When I opened it, a KitchenAid mixer was next to it!! What an awesome surprise, sure beats racoons! I'm a little concerned that it was just sitting there, I am so glad nothing happened to it. It is from some of Matt's family. What an awesome gift! I know Mr. Kammerdiener will be so excited! He wanted it more than me I think! Thank you everyone who sent that to us! What a great surprise!! Maybe it will take me from novice chef to expert!!
And thank you Matt for cutting your lunch time short so you could call me. I love you and miss you probably more than a healthy amount :)
And thank you Matt for cutting your lunch time short so you could call me. I love you and miss you probably more than a healthy amount :)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Just when I think my life is so boring, God sends me something to remind me it's anything but.
This morning- 5 something am to be exact, I opened the door to the garage to get Mona's food and i noticed my garage door was open. I got on to myself for leaving it open, I mean how dangerous. Anyone could have walked right in. Then I realize someone did just walk right in. Mona's 50lb bag of dog food was about 4 feet from where it normally is. I heard something shuffling around and thought it was probably a hungry stray dog. I said "hey" really loud so it would run out. Instead of a dog head popping up, a small, furry, body stood up and looked at me. A racoon.....At least 2, maybe more. not sure. I freaked out and slammed the door. Called my mom to learn how to get rid of them since obviously yelling at them wasn't working! I returned with Mona and a curtain rod. Cute little things, just not so cute when I'm not expecting them and even less cute in my home!
I survived. I am home for the night, and the door is shut!
This morning- 5 something am to be exact, I opened the door to the garage to get Mona's food and i noticed my garage door was open. I got on to myself for leaving it open, I mean how dangerous. Anyone could have walked right in. Then I realize someone did just walk right in. Mona's 50lb bag of dog food was about 4 feet from where it normally is. I heard something shuffling around and thought it was probably a hungry stray dog. I said "hey" really loud so it would run out. Instead of a dog head popping up, a small, furry, body stood up and looked at me. A racoon.....At least 2, maybe more. not sure. I freaked out and slammed the door. Called my mom to learn how to get rid of them since obviously yelling at them wasn't working! I returned with Mona and a curtain rod. Cute little things, just not so cute when I'm not expecting them and even less cute in my home!
I survived. I am home for the night, and the door is shut!
Friday, September 5, 2008
And I thought living on base would be safe. So I get home today from working my 4th 10 hour day in a row (which wasn't too horrible, I've just been dead asleep every night before 9) I walk into my house and it sounds and looks like someone ransacked my house. The tv was on, there was trash all over the house, and really weird purple crumbs all over the kitchen with the majority being on the dog bed. Then it hit me. Mona's makeshift dog gate aka cardboard box being held up by a box of weights was knocked down. After further inspection I found a spot (well in mona's case more like a pond) of pee on the NEW living room carpet. The purple crumbs just happen to be blueberry bagels that I threw away a few days ago, 6 in all- GONE. Also she ate a loaf of bread, I'm too tired/mad to see what else she's done. Bagel crumbs are on my couch also so I think I might could have a bagel or two buried in the cushions. I am so mad at Mona right now. I kept her in the kitchen so she would be able to walk around. I don't want to keep her in her crate for 12 hours, but shes about to leave me no choice.
If I ever wanted two animals at once, this cured me. Speaking of animals.... My mom had a visitor in her chicken house yesterday....A snake. My mother, being the brave lady she is, called her friend Mary to come kill it... Mary came down with her hoe, got the snake out of the chicken house and chopped him up..............................................Mary- is 80!!!!!!!! My mom then told me she didn't want to tell Ava and Ian about the snake bc she didn't want them to have bad dreams.... Well, that sure was sweet of her, bc last night I dreamed about a snake with a chicken tail that lived in my room under a pile of laundry. GROSS!!!
Oh, got to go down for my first trauma case today. I was expecting something awesome like a gunshot wound or a MVA (motor vehicle accident for those not in the know!).... No such luck, it was an old grandma that was drunk and on drugs and fell........
I hope everyone has a good weekend. I have got to clean this weekend. Especially now that I have food particles possibly in every room of the house!
Love y'all!!!!
If I ever wanted two animals at once, this cured me. Speaking of animals.... My mom had a visitor in her chicken house yesterday....A snake. My mother, being the brave lady she is, called her friend Mary to come kill it... Mary came down with her hoe, got the snake out of the chicken house and chopped him up..............................................Mary- is 80!!!!!!!! My mom then told me she didn't want to tell Ava and Ian about the snake bc she didn't want them to have bad dreams.... Well, that sure was sweet of her, bc last night I dreamed about a snake with a chicken tail that lived in my room under a pile of laundry. GROSS!!!
Oh, got to go down for my first trauma case today. I was expecting something awesome like a gunshot wound or a MVA (motor vehicle accident for those not in the know!).... No such luck, it was an old grandma that was drunk and on drugs and fell........
I hope everyone has a good weekend. I have got to clean this weekend. Especially now that I have food particles possibly in every room of the house!
Love y'all!!!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Crazy Lady
Ok, I think working 40 hours a week while my husband is gone, is not going to cut it. Especially since this week I will start working 10 hour days which will give me an additional free day off. Instead of unpacking and cleaning with my free time, I have been thinking of things to buy and animals to love. I really really need to get a part time job. haha
Seriously yesterday I bought 30 mystic tans (which looks pretty good except around my feet and toes- they look dirty ha) I also emailed several people about puppies for sale. I know I do not need another dog and I know Matt would be furious if he came home to another animal. This morning I found adorable Ragdoll kittens (which I have always wanted) for sale. I've already been in contact with the owner, for matt's sake, lets hope they are too expensive.. Seriously I am turning into a crazy lady. HELP HELP HELP
Oh a big congratulations to my mama, who just blew away the competition at the local county fair. I think we should try and get her a spot on Good Morning America!
Seriously yesterday I bought 30 mystic tans (which looks pretty good except around my feet and toes- they look dirty ha) I also emailed several people about puppies for sale. I know I do not need another dog and I know Matt would be furious if he came home to another animal. This morning I found adorable Ragdoll kittens (which I have always wanted) for sale. I've already been in contact with the owner, for matt's sake, lets hope they are too expensive.. Seriously I am turning into a crazy lady. HELP HELP HELP
Oh a big congratulations to my mama, who just blew away the competition at the local county fair. I think we should try and get her a spot on Good Morning America!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Worth the Wait
No, I don't mean THAT wait...... I mean my washer and dryer! I think... I just started my first load. But apparently in Sear's/Kenmore world, Wednesday is the new Saturday... These were supposed to be delivered on Saturday like I angrily planned. On Tuesday night when I told Matt that no, I wasn't looking at the Washer and Dryer because the people never showed up, he called them from GUAM and they told him delivery was set up for the next day.... WHAT??? Did anyone call me to ask if it was ok to change my delivery date?? No, they didn't. but I was so tired of dealing with them I accepted. How cute my washer and dryer are. They make the neatest little dinging noise when you turn them on. Mona and I both watched our first load for a few minuters, me bc I had nothing else to do, Mona because she wasn't sure where that odd noise was coming from!
Just discovered a John Mayer cover of the song Freefallin by Tom Petty. It's really really good. (even though I'm not too sure if I like Mr. Mayer) you should check it out.
Happy Friday!
Just discovered a John Mayer cover of the song Freefallin by Tom Petty. It's really really good. (even though I'm not too sure if I like Mr. Mayer) you should check it out.
Happy Friday!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Who knew it could be so hard. Since Matt and I are saving for a down payment for a home, we are trying to put everything we can into savings. Matt has been saving for a long time, me not so long! So I am trying to make myself a budget to stick to that way I will know how much I can put away each month. Aside from not really knowing how to make one, Marti Stewart decided to put the sheets we registered for on sale for $85 off. (sale ending today)... I mean seriously how could I pass that up?? I HAD to get new sheets to go with the Marti Stewart comforter coverlet that I got for a steal. Perhaps budgeting isn't my problem. It possibly could be that I LOVE LOVE LOVE to buy things. In my defense though, I rarely every buy anything for full price. And since my husband is out to sea, I couldn't call him and have him talk me out of buying the sheets. I called my mother and she was at a baby shower. I took that as a sign to buy! I also ignored the sign that they were out of my size which lead me to call a Macy's in Tacoma and have them hold the set for me. Ok. Back to the budget.
I have already worked out how much I spend on bills, gas, food, etc. I can't decide if it would be easier to say have an envelope labeled food and put my money for the month in there and do the same w/the misc money, or would it be easiest to just keep spending (wisely though) and then put whatever I can into savings for that month???? I have no idea. What do y'all think?? Any good ideas??
I have already worked out how much I spend on bills, gas, food, etc. I can't decide if it would be easier to say have an envelope labeled food and put my money for the month in there and do the same w/the misc money, or would it be easiest to just keep spending (wisely though) and then put whatever I can into savings for that month???? I have no idea. What do y'all think?? Any good ideas??
Friday, August 22, 2008
Information Express
Wow does word travel fast down the Whitehorn Lightening Bolt. So fast that I think if half of the fam could move to New York City and the other half to Los Angeles we could make a pretty good life for ourselves as the paparazzo. I mean we could really give People and US Weekly a run for their money.
Thats all for now. My mind is tired from trying to figure out how 20 days ago I orderd a washer and dryer and have yet to have them. Word on the street is I should be getting them Tuesday.
Thats all for now. My mind is tired from trying to figure out how 20 days ago I orderd a washer and dryer and have yet to have them. Word on the street is I should be getting them Tuesday.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Customer Service
My first blog..... What a moment! So bear with me..........
What ever happened to the good old days? When a simple handshake from a man was as good as a signed, notarized, contract. I don't think I remember these times, but I have been brought up to rely on a little thing called customer service. I can't tell you how many times in the last month, I have dealt with people that put the incompotent in customer service. As you know (the zero readers that I have) Matt is out to sea, so I am left to work, grieve Matt's absence, and handle anything that needs handling. A few weeks before he left, we bought an LG Steam Washer and Dryer. Knowing that this was a special order, I expected it to take a week or so to get here. 18 days later and 3 different people lying to me, and 4 different delivery dates, I still don't have it. Today I was even hung up on when I asked to speak to the lady's supervisor. I am seriously about to have a stroke waiting for these things to get here. Thank you Sears for offering me a $50 gift card, it won't come close to paying for the years you have taken off of my life for the unnatural surge in blood pressure.
On a lighter note, I only crashed one patient into the wall today while driving their bed. I also narrowly escaped being squashed by a 417lb man. I guess when I look at what could have happened today, going without clean clothes for another week might not be so bad.
What ever happened to the good old days? When a simple handshake from a man was as good as a signed, notarized, contract. I don't think I remember these times, but I have been brought up to rely on a little thing called customer service. I can't tell you how many times in the last month, I have dealt with people that put the incompotent in customer service. As you know (the zero readers that I have) Matt is out to sea, so I am left to work, grieve Matt's absence, and handle anything that needs handling. A few weeks before he left, we bought an LG Steam Washer and Dryer. Knowing that this was a special order, I expected it to take a week or so to get here. 18 days later and 3 different people lying to me, and 4 different delivery dates, I still don't have it. Today I was even hung up on when I asked to speak to the lady's supervisor. I am seriously about to have a stroke waiting for these things to get here. Thank you Sears for offering me a $50 gift card, it won't come close to paying for the years you have taken off of my life for the unnatural surge in blood pressure.
On a lighter note, I only crashed one patient into the wall today while driving their bed. I also narrowly escaped being squashed by a 417lb man. I guess when I look at what could have happened today, going without clean clothes for another week might not be so bad.
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