Sunday, August 24, 2008


Who knew it could be so hard. Since Matt and I are saving for a down payment for a home, we are trying to put everything we can into savings. Matt has been saving for a long time, me not so long! So I am trying to make myself a budget to stick to that way I will know how much I can put away each month. Aside from not really knowing how to make one, Marti Stewart decided to put the sheets we registered for on sale for $85 off. (sale ending today)... I mean seriously how could I pass that up?? I HAD to get new sheets to go with the Marti Stewart comforter coverlet that I got for a steal. Perhaps budgeting isn't my problem. It possibly could be that I LOVE LOVE LOVE to buy things. In my defense though, I rarely every buy anything for full price. And since my husband is out to sea, I couldn't call him and have him talk me out of buying the sheets. I called my mother and she was at a baby shower. I took that as a sign to buy! I also ignored the sign that they were out of my size which lead me to call a Macy's in Tacoma and have them hold the set for me. Ok. Back to the budget.
I have already worked out how much I spend on bills, gas, food, etc. I can't decide if it would be easier to say have an envelope labeled food and put my money for the month in there and do the same w/the misc money, or would it be easiest to just keep spending (wisely though) and then put whatever I can into savings for that month???? I have no idea. What do y'all think?? Any good ideas??


bettysue said...

I think the envelope is a great idea! That way when you're out of money, you're out!
By the way, Deborrah said has Egyptian sheets and they're as great at 600 ct. and that's per Cathie!!
It's not that you buy sheets every week, or buy a duvet every week, I think you did GREAT!!

Nicole B said...

i like the idea of envelopes of money for certain expenses...especially items that you find are your weakness (eating out, shopping, etc). Cody and I budget a certain amt for eating out every month, we withdraw it in cash...and when it's spent..we dont go out to eat anymore for the rest of the month. Problem solved.

I also recommend making sure that you actually budget personal spending money (for you to use on clothes, shoes, etc), and budget some money every month for getting things you need for the house (sheets, etc). You know you are going to spend money on this you might as well budget it so that you can at least control it better. Good luck...and remember that you a budget is only good if you look at it regularly and continue to tweak it and modify it as life changes. said...

okay....from 39 years of budgeting - it really sucks....but you will get to retire sooner and travel more....(within budget) ha, ha. I found that envelopes per weekly are by far the best. because anyone can wait a week....(it's really kindof hard on me) butt.....i do it! Love you,
Aunt Debra

The Brown Family said...

Speaking as the person that researches how to do budgets endlessly (but has yet to be able to live on one) -- envelopes are the way to go. Cash for things like food, clothing, entertainment, Target, misc. and everything else gets paid with a check or on-line. Dave Ramsey suggests to even put a little away for the new couch you will need in a few years (although I just read your Mona blog so it might be sooner than later.)
I love you!