Saturday, November 22, 2008

Super Mama

You know the saying you can't pick your family but you can pick your friends?? Well I was lucky enough to get both when God gave me my mom! She came to visit me last week and we had the best time ever. Everything went perfectly. I was really sad because I wasn't going to be able to pick her up from the airport, she was going to have to take the shuttle all the way to my house and then have a friend pick her up and get her on base because I had to work. Turns out I was able to get off work with just enough time to get to the airport and get her!
When we got home, Mona was so excited to see her! I'm not sure if she was more excited for the extra petting, or the new smells! I swear my mom was only here for an hour and my house was spotless.. SPOTLESS!!!! I've lived here since August and have yet to really clean this place! She is amazing! I had the best food ever too! Whole wheat rolls, cheese logs, banana bread, enchiladas. I cant even remember what else. When I got back to work after she had already gone home, I told everyone how much she cooked and cleaned for me. They were shocked. I guess I've really taken for granted having a super mom all these years!
It was one of the best weekends ever!!
I love you Mama and I miss you!


bettysue said...

Awe, you could not have had as good a time as I did, it was wonderful! To see you as an adult, in your own home. You have made yours and Matt's apartment a "home". He will be so happy when he gets back and see's what all you have acompolished! I'm so proud of you! God has blessed ME with all my children! said...

Your Mom is a super Mama! I need her here to do her magic before turkeyday!!! I know you must miss her terribly - I'm so glad you two are close - but.... you alway have been! Thru hard times and good times! Now....BS don't get too big headed! We all love you and need you!

bettysue said...

Big Headed, She's such a dumb a--! She's right, she DOES need me! And, I'll be there!

1literatimommy said...

your mom is a super mom. i have loved the holidays with her...yummy enchiladas, and banana bread. we are all blessed! now, sid, you guys just need to get back to texas!