Monday, December 15, 2008

Aloha Hawaii

So where do I start? I guess just going day by day will be the easiest. I do need to preface this post by saying that spending all of those uninterrupted days with my best friend was undescribable. I guess I would risk my life again to do that.

Wake up at 3:30 so I can put my face on and finish packing the things I was too tired to do the night/days beforehand. Dayna and I head out for the airport so excited. Our flight was good. It was only half full so we had a lot of room, which was great because the flight was almost 6 hours long. This was the first day I saw Matt, it had been exactly 4 months to the day that I saw him last. It was wonderful.

We had nothing planned today. Matt realized he left his swimsuit on the sub so we had to go back to base and get it. Which entails me in a strapless dress walking down to the shipyard. I was told that women did go down there. Well little did I know, the only women down there were ones owned by the military. After we got Matt's suit we went to the NEX and bought some sandwich meat so we could have a cheap lunch. We get back to the hotel (which is essentially retirement central- the pool closed at 8) eat our sandwiches and go lay out on the beach. Approximately 4 1/2 minutes later it starts raining. We run back to the hotel and take a nap. We decide to go walking around that night and look for a place to eat. We settle on Senor Frogs. We walk back to the hotel, in the rain. I wake up at 1am in the morning because some idiots are being so loud in the hall. Matt sleeps the whole night through.

Today we have a self-guided kayak tour scheduled. I was excited about this because I was going to get to see sea turtles. Excited that is until I saw the day before what a kayak really is and how low in the water I'd be sitting. So it's a rainstorm out there. We get called by the owner of the kayak place and the trip is off. We reschedule for Saturday. Matt and I decide to drive around the island. 45 minutes later, and me begging Matt to stop driving like Jeff Gordon-we find the one entrance onto H1 east. We drive around and look at the scenery. The land is beautiful. The locals and their homes not so much. We could have been in Mexico for all I knew. At one point on our drive we pull over to the ocean and get out and walk around. It isn't raining anymore and it's kind of warm. So we walk along the beach, through some run off and start to make our way back to the car. (A few days earlier I got blisters on my feet from a pair of flip flops I never wear) A group of people ask us if we waded through the run off and I said yes. The man nodded and said we should take the bridge (which I didn't see) on the way back because that was nothing but raw sewage running through the run off. Great, now I've probably contracted God knows what through my blisters. Thursday ended with dinner and me waking up at 3 am because the idiots are being loud in the hall again.
A little cloudy but not too bad. Today we have scheduled to attend a luau. We're going with the couple that I flew out there with. Matt and i lounge by the beach (which was not warm) and then get ready for the luau. We get on the bus at 4:00. At about 5:30 the tour guide comes on the loud speaker and informs us that the luau has been cancelled because of the rain and lightening. (the news has reported that it hasn't stormed like this in Hawaii since 1970) We're all sad but decide to go eat at Beni Hanas. I knew I had seen it somewhere, so about 30 minutes later we walk back to where we started and find the place only half a block away. Plus it had been raining.
We tell each other good night and head off for our rooms. At about 12:20 I hear the fire alarm make a weird low noise. I think those idiots out in the hall have pulled the fire alarm this time. Oh also I woke up on Friday with a cold. I am tired and blowing my nose every minute, I'm not getting out of my room. The alarm gets louder, Matt opens our door to see if anyone else is moving. Our hall is filled with smoke. Crap. It's real. What do we do. "Grab all the valuables" Matt says. Well I have my husband and my ring, thats all I can think of. I grab my purse and cell phone too. Matt grabs his lap top. We make it outside and I realize I've forgotten kleenexes- probably the most valuable thing at the moment. I walk around to an outside bathroom to get toilet paper, and it's locked. We still don't see any flames shooting from our hotel, but no one is telling us anything. About an hour later, we're able to go back in. Some idiot (on our floor) decided it would be funny to get the fire extinguisher and spray it all the way down the hall. That was the smoke I saw and that is what set the alarms off.
This trip only gets better, but i'm tired of typing. I'll post pictures and the rest of the story after i start a load of laundry.
Love you all!


bettysue said...

Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha, Ooooh, I'm so sorry! At least you did get to be with Matt!!
I got the sweetest card ever, from his mom today! said...

Poor Sidney - I'm so sorry - wasn't that kindof your honeymoon?
Well, if you made it through that diseaster you can make it through anything! I'll be glad when you get back to TX!

1literatimommy said...

Oh my gosh. I can't wait to hear chapter two. At least you were with matt!