I have no idea how I've gone 25 years and gotten a college degree and still have no clue how to fix my "natural" hair.
2 genes from the Whitehorn strand skipped me. The first gene being tall, skinny, and shapeless. I've finally come to terms with my hips and mom butt (sans children).
The 2nd gene and most annoying at the moment that seems to have skipped me is straight as a board hair. I have curly hair. Would you have known it??? Probably not since I've only just realized in the last few years and straighten the heck out of it everytime I wash it....Problem is I have no idea how to fix curly hair. I've tried all kinds of products even gone to a salon to have them show me how to do it. The ladies idea was hot rollers. Ok, tard is what I wanted to say.
If it were Taylor Swift curly it might be easier, I would say it's more of a mix between wavy and curly with the super curly being the bottom layers and the hideous on the top. ugh I'm ready to perm it only I'm not really sure I even like curly hair.
I use to think the Chi was the greatest invention, now I'm just tired of being a slave to it.
On a happier note- Leo knows how to sit now!!! If only he could take his treat for sitting without taking off skin from my hand.
Friday, January 30, 2009
So there was a 4.5 earthquake this morning in Western Washington. They keep saying the "center" of it was in Kitsap county-which is the county Matt and I live in. We didn't feel it. Praise the Lord. I don't know what I would have done. I could probably shelter myself from a tornado with my eyes closed.. But earthquake???? I don't even know what you do. Stand on a table??? I think this is just another reason to buy a home and get me out of here!!!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Would it really be such a bad idea to buy a house and not live in it for like 8 months?? Matt seems to think so.. But I REALLY love this house. Minus the fact that it's in Burleson, it's pretty awesome with it's 4300 square feet and 5 bedrooms. I can see good and bad reasons for buying a house while still living in Washington. But mostly I can just see what an awesome Christmas tree I could do.

Friday, January 23, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Introducing the newest member to the Kammerdiener family.. Leonidas the mastiff, but we mostly have been calling him Leo. We chose the name because Leonidas was a king of Sparta and in Greek it means "Lion-like" which is pretty accurate to the mastiff!
Mona loves him! His favorite thing to do with her is either try and hump her, or nurse her!
I got up at like 1:30 with him last night and then early around 5. I was thinking "whats the big deal with a new born, this is easy I have tons of energy." Around 9am I was wiped out and have been ever since!!
Enjoy some pics of Leo and look forward to having him at a place near you in the near future!!

Monday, January 12, 2009
Are you serious???
I don't know if you all remember or not, but less than a month ago Matt and I were almost swept out to sea while kayaking.................
Today Matt came home and asked if I'd like to go kayaking to the San Juan islands and look for killer whales... hahahahahahah
Really Matt, that had to be a joke! I nearly passed out just thinking about it.
Today Matt came home and asked if I'd like to go kayaking to the San Juan islands and look for killer whales... hahahahahahah
Really Matt, that had to be a joke! I nearly passed out just thinking about it.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Dirt Bag
Today I had a 1 day old patient with practically non-working intestines. His mother was/is a meth addict. I didn't meet the woman. It's a good thing, I'm not sure I could have been very civil. Poor little baby. Not much of a chance. I just don't see how a mother could do that. I think she should be "fixed" and thrown in jail. Freaking dirt bag
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Last night Matt and I took Mona to the vet to have a few lumps on her checked out. The boxer breed is the most likely of all dog breeds to develop cancer so I have been pretty worried about her. We took Mo in last night- sans painted toes (ashamed I know) and found out that her lumps were just oil glands that got too full. Thank goodness! I know I would love to add another dog to our family, but it will be a really tough day when God takes away my 4-legged best friend.
Here are some of my favorite memories of Mona Lisa the pig-dolphin-dog.
1. The first time I saw Mona. The trip mom and I took to get her was an adventure in itself, but the first time I saw this white pile of fur barreling past me, I knew it was love.
2. When I realized Mona was a lot like me. We would be down at the pond throwing sticks in for Mona and Mable to get. Mona would wait till Mable would swim all the way out, bring the stick half way back, and then steal it from her before she got back on land.
3. Driving to Granbury from Canyon for Easter or Thanksgiving I can't remember. Mona and I finally made it with only one stop. It was late, but everyone had stayed up. Mona ran around like a crazy for a minute or two and then pooped in the floor.
4. Coming home from clinicals and realizing Mona had put a hole in my mattress by trying to bury a bagel.
5. Coming home from clinicals and realizing Mona had put a hole in the couch by buring a bone.
6. After one Thanksgiving, I brought a ton of frozen left overs home. They made the 6hr trip just fine. I set them on the counter to thaw and went to run an errand. When I returned, Mona ate them all...frozen....even my twice baked potatoes.
7. It was Matts last day when he came to visit me, we had all of his things packed and I was about to take him to the airport. As we started to walk down the stairs, I realized Mona had left a pile of poop at the bottom.
I was going to do 10, but I just have too many and I'm tired! I love you Mo and hope I have many many more years and memories left with you.
Here are some of my favorite memories of Mona Lisa the pig-dolphin-dog.
1. The first time I saw Mona. The trip mom and I took to get her was an adventure in itself, but the first time I saw this white pile of fur barreling past me, I knew it was love.
2. When I realized Mona was a lot like me. We would be down at the pond throwing sticks in for Mona and Mable to get. Mona would wait till Mable would swim all the way out, bring the stick half way back, and then steal it from her before she got back on land.
3. Driving to Granbury from Canyon for Easter or Thanksgiving I can't remember. Mona and I finally made it with only one stop. It was late, but everyone had stayed up. Mona ran around like a crazy for a minute or two and then pooped in the floor.
4. Coming home from clinicals and realizing Mona had put a hole in my mattress by trying to bury a bagel.
5. Coming home from clinicals and realizing Mona had put a hole in the couch by buring a bone.
6. After one Thanksgiving, I brought a ton of frozen left overs home. They made the 6hr trip just fine. I set them on the counter to thaw and went to run an errand. When I returned, Mona ate them all...frozen....even my twice baked potatoes.
7. It was Matts last day when he came to visit me, we had all of his things packed and I was about to take him to the airport. As we started to walk down the stairs, I realized Mona had left a pile of poop at the bottom.
I was going to do 10, but I just have too many and I'm tired! I love you Mo and hope I have many many more years and memories left with you.
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