Friday, January 30, 2009


I have no idea how I've gone 25 years and gotten a college degree and still have no clue how to fix my "natural" hair.
2 genes from the Whitehorn strand skipped me. The first gene being tall, skinny, and shapeless. I've finally come to terms with my hips and mom butt (sans children).
The 2nd gene and most annoying at the moment that seems to have skipped me is straight as a board hair. I have curly hair. Would you have known it??? Probably not since I've only just realized in the last few years and straighten the heck out of it everytime I wash it....Problem is I have no idea how to fix curly hair. I've tried all kinds of products even gone to a salon to have them show me how to do it. The ladies idea was hot rollers. Ok, tard is what I wanted to say.
If it were Taylor Swift curly it might be easier, I would say it's more of a mix between wavy and curly with the super curly being the bottom layers and the hideous on the top. ugh I'm ready to perm it only I'm not really sure I even like curly hair.
I use to think the Chi was the greatest invention, now I'm just tired of being a slave to it.

On a happier note- Leo knows how to sit now!!! If only he could take his treat for sitting without taking off skin from my hand.


bettysue said...

Sorry, Deborrah doesn't have Whitehorn hair, and Molly doesn't either.
You can make a fist with the treat inside, and when Leo "sits", make him "gently" get it out of your fist, that way he'll learn not to "GRAB" food!
It makes your hand slobbery, but it's worth a try! said...

Yes, I have always wanted straight hair too.....I feel your pain.....the tall and skinny gene also left me in my first two years of marriage!!! The thing is Sid, we are happier than the people w/straight hair, and when you get old - I mean REALLY old - a little curl is better than straight!!! So look fwd to your very senior years!!!!! Love, Auntie

Nicole B said...

oh my gosh...i have the same hair! wavy...but totally not cute wavy. I suggest just wearing it up every single day. Matt will eventually get used to it.

Sidney said...

I would have never guessed you had the same hair Nicole.. It always looks so smoothe and straight!! When I'm really old, I hope I have long, stringy, witch hair.

1literatimommy said...

You are beautiful Sid! You are absolutely one of the MOST photogenic people I've ever seen!